Those outside of the industry might not realize it, but wedding photography is a fast moving sport!  I think that is what I love about it so much.  Preparing for an 8 – 10 hour wedding day in 95 degrees is a challenge, but something I look forward to doing.  Playing Division I tennis in college definitely helped me prepare mentally and physically for the long days behind the camera.  Today I would like to share how what I learned on the court has transferred over to my wedding photography.  I am excited to give you my top five tips on how to get into “wedding shape”. 🙂

1.  Physically prepare your body.  As a wedding photographer, you are on your feet for eight, ten, maybe even fifteen hours a day!  It is important to make sure you feel just as great at the end of the evening as you do when you first arrive to bridal prep.  Along with running throughout the week, when I can, I like to run the morning of a wedding day.  I actually feel more energized after a run than I do before, and it definitely gets my mind working.

2.  Drink plenty of water.  It is so important to stay hydrated throughout the day!  Loading up your bag with water bottles and small snacks like trail mix or cliff bars can help bring up your energy when you really need a boost.

3. Pull your hair back.  Keeping your hair off your neck makes a world of a difference!  I am lucky to have an amazing friend and second shooter named Mekina who can whip mine back in five minutes and make it look great!  See her most recent “Three Minute Updo” here:


4. Wear something that makes you feel comfortable.  If it is 95 degrees outside (like it has been the past few weekends) opt to wear something you will feel comfortable in while shooting.  Instead of putting on the traditional black, select a lighter color like blue or purple.  This past weekend I chose to wear a sleeveless dress with nude wedges and felt great all day!

5. Mentally prepare yourself. Before tennis matches, I would take a few minutes to mentally prepare for a win.  Before weddings I like to do the same thing by scouting out the places where I will be shooting portraits.  By visualizing what poses would work best in each location, I am able to go into the day more confidently.  Even more helpful than location scouting is taking a moment to pray with Mekina the morning of the wedding day.  There is nothing that calms my butterflies more than asking for God’s help in capturing the emotions of the day beautifully for the couple.

As a photographer, what do you do to get yourself into wedding shape?  I would love to hear.  Feel free to leave your comments in the box below! 🙂


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  1. Mekina Saylor says:

    What I do to get into wedding shape….
    My running happens when I’m running circles around the couple… usually sparklers in hand.
    Bribing groomsmen with snacks, giving Kleenex for an intimate moment or the sweat dripping from everyone’s faces on a hot July day and of course having bobbi pins on hand for a quick hair fix.
    Finding a light dress to wear on the wedding day is definitely more comfortable… a light weight dress with pockets = Jackpot!
    Mentally… mmm talking over the wedding day with Amy and the morning of imagining how the day will be in all it’s perfection for the happy couple.

    Prep complete 🙂