Black heels clicked in quick rhythm along a sidewalk that saw more visitors in one day than most see in a lifetime.  I glanced down at the google maps app on my iPhone to make sure I was going the right way and then slid it back into my oversized leather purse, carrying my iPad, sample album and a freshly printed collections brochure.  I was on my way to the Starbucks on 2 Broadway to meet a bride and groom and I couldn’t be more excited.  I have always loved meeting new people, but meeting new people in love is better than two scoops of double chocolate ice-cream.  As we talked about their fabulous wedding plans over mocha coconut lattes, I couldn’t help but reflect on how the last year had completely changed my life.

Growing up I always had a vision of who I wanted to be.  I imagined myself walking the streets of New York City, on my way to an important meeting, dressed in a cute black suit and heels.  In my dream I could feel the energy of the people around me and longed for a life that brought new experiences everyday.

As I walked out of the Starbucks that day in my black fitted dress and headed to catch the train back home, I had one of those moments that made me stop and smile. In that moment I felt like God was saying, you know those dreams you had?  They were my dreams for you, and now, they are all coming true.

Thank you God for giving me the courage, the passion, and the ability to follow my dreams.  Help me to live out my life in a way that makes you proud, everyday.


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  1. Cassi Claire says:

    Oh my word, I love this! I have had this feeling too! Thank you for sharing! 🙂

  2. Randy Beavers says:

    This is an amazing picture of the NYC skyline. Thanks for sharing. I am also thankfl to God that he is blessing you and allowing you to live your dreams as a photographer. I am soooo proud of you!