I remember that first meeting like it was yesterday.  I arrived over an hour early and looked around the coffee shop for the best seat in the house.  By the time the bride walked in, I had already gone through two lattes and read over Jasmine Star’s “How to Conduct a Client Meeting” ten times in a row!  Even though I was thoroughly prepared, I was still nervous!  I wanted so badly for the bride to like my work and to book me for her wedding day.  In all my preparation, I didn’t stop to think about the most important thing I should be focused on selling…MYSELF!

This week, a fellow photographer asked my advice in preparing for her first client meeting. In this past year, I have learned a lot!  I don’t claim to be an expert…but I will share what I know!  If a bride is contacting you, she has been on your website and decided to reach out to you because she connected with your photos.  She ALREADY likes your work!  Now all you have to do is get her to like YOU!  Your main focus can now be on getting to know her, and connecting with her and her fiancé on a personal level. Ask when they started dating, how they got engaged, and what they are looking forward to most on the wedding day.  This seriously might be one of my FAVORITE parts of the job.  I love getting to know my couples on a more personal level and I want them to get to know me too!  By the time we finish our coffees, I hope they not only want me at their wedding as their photographer, but also as their friend!  This, to me, is success.

Do you have tips for conducting a fabulous client meeting?  I would love to hear from YOU!  Feel free to share them in the comment box below!  HAPPY THURSDAY!


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