YES!  The word escaped from my mouth so quickly it surprised me.  Sometimes you just feel in your heart that something is right. Sitting on that old wooden bench with Cassi Claire and Caroline Frost, I felt like I was exactly where God wanted me to be.  It was on that day, over a peach mango rice pudding, that Caroline proposed we start a Christian photographers small group.

I knew right away it was something I wanted to be involved in.  God had placed in my heart the desire to start my photography business over a year ago and his love and support is the reason I am where I am today. The thought of discussing how God plays a part in other photographers businesses and life was so exciting to me. Not only would I have a chance to fellowship with others who loved photography as much as I did, I would have a chance to grow with women who also loved their heavenly Father and made Him the center of their world.  Wohoo!

Yesterday we held our first official small group at Dylan’s Candy Bar in NYC.  We met in a booth shaped like a cupcake and snacked on macaroons and fondue as we shared the ways God has played a roll in all of our businesses.  We discussed our current struggles, shared encouraging verses, and ended by praying for one another.

One verse Caroline shared that stood out to me was Jeremiah 17:7-8.  It reads:

 “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
    whose confidence is in him.
They will be like a tree planted by the water
    that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
    its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
    and never fails to bear fruit.”

I left the meeting feeling happy, encouraged, and truly blessed to be surrounded by such an incredible group of girls.  We would love for YOU to join us!  We will be meeting every Tuesday at 1:30pm at a different location in NYC.  Next week we will be sipping hot chocolate out of “hug mugs” at Max Brenner’s in Union Square. Feel free to email me at if you would like to come, or reach out to any of the other girls currently involved (Caroline Frost, Cassi Claire, Angela Newton Roy, or Melissa Leigh Kruse Lahring).  We hope to see you there!


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  1. Cassi Claire says:

    I had such an amazing time with you girls! Great post Amy! Can’t wait until next week!

  2. Ann Beavers says:

    So very proud of you, Amy!

  3. Caroline Frost Shea says:

    so fun reading about this from your perspective 🙂 I had such a good time with you guys…this is quickly becoming the highlight of my week.

  4. Mayra Alexandra Hodges says:

    I wish I could join you ladies! 🙁 If you ever make it earlier between (9-12) please let me know. Or on weekends 🙂 This is a lovely post Amy Rizzuto and thank you for sharing! :))